A review by cranberrytarts
Heart Duel by Robin D. Owens


Owens has created an amazing world in her Celta series. I'm always truly impressed by how flawless her world-building is when I pick up one of her novels.

Generally the characters capture me as much as the world they live in, but that wasn't the case for the heroine of this book. Lark was selfish and bitter for 99% of this story. I didn't connect with her and, to be totally honest, had a hard time even tolerating her for most of the story.

The fact that she hurt Holm again and again without thought was bad enough, but she was a Healer. It didn't speak well of her, IMO, that she could be so callous in disregarding his feelings for her.

I did love Holm, though I think he took too much upon himself and should have let go of his guilt sooner than he did. Also? He should have held out longer against Lark in the end. She deserved more punishment than she got.