A review by rpych2
The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett


After a little over four years, I have finally finished Discworld. And you know what, I was an absolute wreck while reading The Shepherd’s Crown. I started crying about 25 pages in and it didn’t really stop until long after I was finally done reading it. It’s one of those books that you just need to experience for yourself, because if you make it this far in this incredible masterpiece of a series, then you’ll want to read this finale for yourself.

Without really getting into a lot of detail on the plot, there were so many emotional moments in this book. There was a particularly emotional scene with Death towards the beginning of the novel, and he was as fantastic as ever. His showing up meant so much more when you realize that it was Sir Terry’s last book. Tiffany, who is probably my favorite Discworld protagonist, grew into the person you expected her to be when first starting her story back in “The Wee Free Men”. One of the main lessons that she learns that we can all apply to our lives is that you should be comfortable in your own skin. And it was told in such an emotional way that it was impossible for me to not read a lot of the scenes in this book through tears.

Was this a 5 star book on its own? Probably not. But this series is worth 5 stars and more so I’m going to round up. Discworld has become my favorite series of all time throughout this journey, and it’s one that will stick with me for the rest of my life. It’s a comedic series on the surface, but it had a ton of incredibly deep moments and lessons that affected me so much. Transporting myself to this incredible world through Pratchett’s writing has been one of my favorite things I’ve ever done in my life, and I would recommend it to anyone.

There’s a quote on the back of the edition of The Shepherd’s Crown that I have from Neil Gaiman; “A Terry Pratchett book is a small miracle.” It truly is. GNU Sir Terry, and thank you.