A review by cnewby927
The Hive by Barry Lyga, Morgan Baden


2 Stars

The concept for this book was crazy interesting because this could be our future, very Black Mirror.

Unfortunately for this book, there is just too much cheese. I cant stand instalove in books, and top that off with just the worst lines, and I almost just put this down. You know what you're watching something and you feel embarrassed just from seeing what happened? Yeah, that's this book.

So while the "love" is enough to make me stop, Cassie's character is very one dimensional as well. She is just anger. I understand that she was dealing with the loss of her father but anger alone is not a realistic reaction.

Yet another issue I had was the amount of gore in this book. Don't get me wrong, in the right setting I'm all for gore. I'm just not sure why there was so much in this book. It really had no place at all.

Overall, a very interesting concept, but just missed the mark entirely.