A review by mnboyer
Isle of Blood and Stone by Makiia Lucier


But death can transform a man into a myth. A legend even he would not recognize. (p129)

This book had me at the start, and I was excited. The author was creating a new world, there were missing princes and secret maps, and a group of friends from different 'cliques' were going to team up to solve this mystery. Yeah, you absolutely had me at the beginning and I was excited!

Yet... unfortunately the novel started to become slow, slow, slow. The world wasn't being created as much as it was being told. The characters seemed okay, but at the same time I wasn't seeing a lot of development. There were connections that I wanted further information about but (1) there is some mystery and (2) this is going to be a series of books so I guess some of that will come later. But every time I would pick this up and reflect on how excited I was at the beginning of the book... the more I started to realize that the plot had become painfully slow.

I made it through and wasn't necessarily disappointed, but I had lost all of the excitement I had initially started reading with. It was almost like for 70% of the book I was thinking "meh" and just wanted to get through it because I hate leaving books unfinished.

I'll try out something different from author Makiia Lucier, but unfortunately *this* book just didn't keep me interested (even though I really wanted it to!).