A review by stardust_heidi
For the Throne by Hannah Whitten

Did not finish book. Stopped at 63%.
I first tried reading this book three times last year, immediately after finishing For the Wolf. At that point, I didn’t want to admit defeat, so I put it aside, and finally felt the mood pick it up again a few weeks ago. However, the fourth attempt has been just the same. I made it 63% into the book, but it was an agonizing 63%. I have been bored out of my mind, and can barely get through more than a few pages at a time, and I finally decided that I just didn’t care enough anymore. The writing is impeccable, but there’s just something about this book that does not do it for me. I think I’m just not very invested in the characters and all the random little subplots and main plots. It hasn’t healed my interest, which is why I’ve been attempting to read it for it feels like weeks. And so, my to my disappointment, another DNF this month.