A review by claudiaswisher
Learn Me Good by John Pearson


Fun, true-to-life, with an authentic voice. Often I get impatient with first-year teachers' memoirs...too cute, too smug...too Esme. But this is a hoot. Maybe it's because it's written as emails to a friend--a snarky friend. Pearson entered teaching after he was laid off at his old job. But I never doubted his six city and commitment to his students...

His stories about his students are ones every teacher can smile at, nod his or her head at....we recognize his fear of parent conferences, his sick humor, his frustrations over the testing culture...

The book covers Pearson's first year, ending with the month-long testing frenzy that is Texas third grade...he covers the seasons, the celebrations, the revolving door that public schools are...kids in and kids out...one girl entered his class the day before the testing, and he was held responsible for her scores...

His affection for even the most challenging kids is clear, his desire to be a better teacher is evident. I really like Jack Pearson!