A review by loverofromance
Tall, Dark, and Vampire by Sara Humphreys


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.

First Impressions
Tall Dark and Vampire is an interesting read and I was quite curious to see what this author would do here. I do know that this series and the Amoveo series are loosely connected. I have had this one on my kindle for quite a long while, but I really was in the mood for a paranormal and it’s been a while since I have indulged in a vampire romance. And unfortunately, this one didn’t quite work out for me as many of this authors’ books have. So I was disappointed in this reading. I had such higher expectations than what I received in this book here. I will say that the first half of the story is solid, I went into this book really enjoying it but the middle of the story just fell flat, and not until the end did it wrap up nicely. So while I will always recommend this author and even this series (I read book 3 in the series a while ago and it was a five star read for me) so I think it just wasn’t a fully consistent read in what I expected but a solid story was delivered here.

The story sets off with our heroine, Olivia Hollingsworth, who has been having dreams for the past twenty years of a man she once knew, the love of her life who was killed when she was turned into a vampire. But now its been three hundred years and vampires shouldn’t have dreams, but she is experiencing them with more intensity. Olivia is head of her coven, but when there is a human that is killed and one of her vampires in her coven is the prime suspect she comes face to face with a cop and the man she has been dreaming of, who is the spitting image of her long lost love….Doug Paxton. Doug is human and is a police officer and detective, and he is determined to find out who is brutally killing humans, but there is an intense connection that he feels for Olivia and while he suspects she knows more than she is letting on, he also can’t deny what he is feeling for her. But when they are attacked and his partner is murdered and he has almost killed himself, Olivia saves his life but it comes at a cost, he is now a vampire and he is full of feelings of anger and hurt towards Olivia. Even if he doesn’t understand this new world he is living in, he also can’t deny the feelings he has for this vibrant woman that seems to know him more than anyone else ever has. But as Olivia and Doug work together to find out why there are so many rogue vampires being made, they also could be in more trouble than they realize…..

What I Loved
There were quite a few elements to this story that I actually really enjoyed here, and I was so drawn to this story here. I especially drawn to the reincarnation aspect of the story. My heart just broke for our heroine, who just has so much depth of love for Doug and he has no memory of her. She also is experiencing evidence of being a bloodmate to Doug which certain leadership of the vampire league find threatening because if you have a blooded mate, you can walk in the sun. I really was so interested by the set up of this story and seeing the way that the author built up the certain vampire plot device that was developed in the story. I did have a fun time with Olvia’s coven and the vampires that she is over. She definitely has her hands full with some of them. But she was such a wonderful heroine, in how she is a true leader and balances out firmness with love and affection. And she always has faith in her love to Doug. Even when he has anger towards her, she is so gracious with him and I truly admired her as the heroine of the story. There are aspects of the hero that I did enjoy. I admired that he was always willing to do that right thing and even be willing to sacrifice himself if need be. He is a fighter and I did like how well he takes to being a vampire once he gets over his anger.

What I Struggled With
There was only one aspect of the story that I truly struggled with here and that is the hero.. I struggled with his character so much. Once he gets turned he gets so angry and bitter towards Olivia and I just couldn’t understand it especially when she saved his life. He just puts all the blame on her shoulders and I could understand at first being angry or hurt at losing yourself, but to be honest, I struggled with his character at times for much of the book and when he turns against Olivia I just couldn’t reconcile enjoying his character enough as it took much enjoyment from the story.

Overall View
Tall Dark and Vampire is a sexy, heart-filled paranormal romance that sets up the series in a thrilling tale of vampire lore, a fated love, and a second chance story to deliver a satisfying turnout.

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