A review by amberisalwaysreading86
Rachel by Serena Akeroyd


It feels nice to have a bit of conclusion to this series, even if there are still a lot of irons in the fire for future installments of the next generation.
I enjoyed the moments of just Rachel and Rex being featured, I wanted more of the deep emotional connection between them, especially when the pregnancy featured (in three books now) ended up being very anticlimactic. I was super disappointed when Rachel didn’t have her bonding moment with the baby, especially when there was such a build up to her becoming a mother during a more stable time in her life, and felt this was a missed opportunity to further endear her to the reader.

I guess my main complaint with this entire series is that a lot of the women seem one dimensional, as all of the women are depicted as tough, no nonsense people who don’t really like children, or anything traditional and are ALL victims of SA and abuse.
There’s no diversity,while the men have super defining characteristics afforded them. I was invested in the stories due to there being a lot of moving parts and characters, but I’m kinda relieved now that it’s concluded, and was getting depressed while reading several thousand pages of assault victim recollections. It's nice to have commonality in a series, but with so many books in this one, diversity in background and less shared experiences would've made it more interesting.