A review by saphirablue
The Trials by Linda Nagata


While I didn't like it quite as much as the first book, I still enjoyed it and I'm still fascinated by the way the Red manipulates everything and how certain technology is used in warfare and, since we see it here, in daily life.

I liked reading about the court trial everything that happened after that. However, I'm not quite sure I like Shelley taking the "law" into his hands in this way. Especially the thing with Carl Vanda. I understand his motivation but, yeah, I'm not quite happy about it.

There are some character developments with Shelley I'm not quite sure about (like the Delphi thing) but considering how the book ended, I'm going to give it a pass and see how he is in the next one.

The action, technology and everything else has been great again. :)

All in all, I quite enjoyed reading it.