A review by popcorndiva
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala


3.5 Stars

This book was /so/ cute. I have been having a terrible year and reading has fallen completely off my radar. I have a new job now and things are finally not so overwhelming, so I needed something solid to ease me back into reading. Luckily, this was the perfect book. What this book may lack in complexity it makes up for with sweet scenes, project runway vibes, and the best nerdy, nostalgic references. Overall, this book was light and easy to read. It did tackle some important themes, but not in depth. While I rooted for the main couple the whole time, most of the side characters were one note and underdeveloped. Raffy was a great main character to follow and I enjoyed reading about his personal journey the whole time. Luca was much less developed and still pretty one note, but I loved him despite that. This is one of those books that came along at the perfect moment in time; I’m so glad I read it when I did. I do want to read more by this author and I am very much anticipating his upcoming YA Horror novel, The Honeys!