A review by lex_gutsche
A Wish Too Dark And Kind by M.L. Blackbird


Thank you M.L. Blackbird for allowing me to review A Wish Too Dark and Kind.

An old prince. 8 party guests. A ritual sacrifice. Each guest has their own dark history and some are connected through more than just attending the same party. When they all find out why they are really at the party, can they stop the old prince before he goes too far?

A Wish Too Dark and Kind stands out because of the intricate “magick” system that has so clearly been thought out. I enjoyed the manner in which that “magick” is connected to telluric currents and a deeper energy. It is also made clear that “magick” has consequences and I found that this made it more realistic, in the sense that it is not so far-fetched.

The characters are well developed and certainly all have secrets that they are hiding. None of them seem completely good or evil, as each of their backstories allows you to understand them. You almost feel sad when something bad happens to a character you don’t like. I enjoyed Alex and the relationship she developed with Ioan. Together they made a good team, and we’re essential to the plan.

However, for the first 30% of the book, I had no idea what was happening. Take this as your warning: there are two stories being told. One is Arnaud Demeure’s story, the main antagonist, and the other story tells the events of the present. At first, I wasn’t aware that this was the case. As a result, I didn’t understand what the plot was for most of the book. I feel as though it could have been made more clear as to what everyone was and what their purpose was.

Another issue I had with this novel, which is more personal, is that it involved a bit too much religion and almost biblical references. I don’t like a book having too much to do with those topics, but as I said that is just a personal feeling.

Perhaps the fault is with me and I only need to read this book again to fully understand its workings.

Overall the plot was enticing and unpredictable! The characters were real! And I would certainly recommend this book to those looking for a fantasy novel that is darker, has a realistic and beautifully designed “magick” system, and is not like many of the fantasy novels you find on ‘bookstagram/booktok’.