A review by amym84
King of Sword and Sky by C.L. Wilson


So far this is probably my favorite of the series. I think it was because Ellie and Rain's relationship was finally established enough for there to be more to the story besides them working out their relationship. Don't get me wrong, their bond is still not complete, but they still felt more solid. In the second book when he found out about her marks and left, that was their true test, and they made it through that, after that I feel there's really not much more that could split them apart.

While reading other reviews about the book / series in general and one thing that I read was how C.L. Wilson doesn't do any catch-up from one book to the next. It's like reading one long story. I actually like this. I sometimes find myself becoming bored with re-reading information in a series over and over again just to recap for people who've already read the series or to pull in people who are just starting the series but for some reason not starting at the beginning. This series of books by C.L. Wilson definitely demands that you read the whole thing from beginning. Really each novel flows right into the next one like the whole series is just one long story. I don't think I've read another series that has done this before, but it's surprisingly a nice way to write the series.

Anyway, back to this particular story in the series. I liked that we finally got away from Celeria where we had spent the last 2 novels and we get to go to the Fading Lands and meet other Fey and the Tairen. In the last novel I particularly liked the addition of Gaelen to the character list, and in this novel i liked Steili (sp?) the Tairen. I especially liked her motherly protectiveness of Ellie. I can say that in this book I liked the Tairen more than the Fey. They were much more accpeting of Ellie whereas the Fey clearly were waiting for her mess up to have an excuse to banish her from the Fading Lands. The Fey just seemed, not really corrupt, but power hungry maybe. By the end, however, it seems like the power hungry Fey will not be getting what they want.

I was glad that the trouble with the Tairen kitlings was solved and wasn't something that took to the end of the series to find a solution. And I liked that Ellie was able to save them and not have her magic go terribly wrong at that moment. I think that she's been through so much with the Fey thinking she's evil and having the Mage marks. I know that she's performed "miracles" before, but a part of me was just waiting for something to go wrong because we've all seen that her magic has been spotty at times. But I'm glad this is not the case.

Something I really look forward to hopefully happening before the end is Ellie saving her parents and finally getting to meet them.

I thought that the battle scenes towards the end were written very well. It was difficult to see characters that we've grown to love get put in that situation and for some of them we won't discover their fate until the next book.

I look forward to continuing the series. And even though each story flows right into the next they don't end on cliffhangers which is a good thing. As stated above there are threads that are left open to find out what happens in the next book, but it truly ends it seems more on a path. Rain is on the path to finish the war that the Eld started.