A review by shannonlovesbooksandreading
Ignition by Stacy McWilliams


If you have been reading this series then you should be hoping for the happily ever after ending just as I am! Guess what?! It doesn’t end with this book! If you love cliff hangers, this is absolutely the best series for it!
Ignition continues along the same lines as Candlelight and Luminosity. Nathan and Jasmine are still trying to figure out how to beat the demons and be together. We are introduced to many new magical creatures and most of them want to kill Jasmine. However while Jasmine figures out a little more of her powers she is still having trouble understanding that she is more powerful than all of the creatures and demons, which is why they keep trying to get to her.
Nathan is less demon-like in this story. While he uses some powers that he has, he doesn’t use them in the normal evil way we know from book one and he doesn’t use them against Jas. It seems like he is a back character, almost. I don’t think he, or Jasmine, understand what the two of them together could do. They are still trying to figure out their feelings towards each other. I have a feeling that when they do finally get it together there will be an explosion and no one will be able to touch them. (At least that’s what I’m hoping for!)
The first book brought out a lot of negative feelings for me and this one gives me a little more hope that good will prevail. And then the Stevenson family returns!
I’m hoping that the next book will bring us the closure we need answer all of our questions and even give Jasmine the family she is looking for. I can only imagine the power they will have with her!