A review by allisonraderreads
Keep Me Safe by Maya Banks


I put this down several times but always picked it back up. By page 21/31 I was really having to encourage myself to just finish it up. By page 25/31 I only finished so that I could write this review for my fans ( Me, myself, and I).


Let me start with my hatred for the fact that Maya Banks loves using Texas, especially Houston, as the location for her novels. Me, a Texan and ex-houstonite, hates Houston with a passion and can never find the fantasy of living in a mosquito's wet hell. The one endearing part of Ramie was when she arrived to Houston and complained that it was so hot that she felt she was breathing fire in October. Thank you Ramie, for being realistic and not falling in love with Texas. It's awful here!

"They were north of Houston, right on the fringes of a rural community where houses were spaced large distances apart and big pieces of acreage were used in farming and to keep cattle...Traffic in the bustling area called the Woodlands had slowed them considerably and all Ramie could think was that the killer had done it on purpose."

This is not Houston. This is Conroe. Banks, you are describing Conroe.... Or Springs/Woodlands....not Houston. Atleast do Houston right. It does not have enough going for it for you to slaughter it like this.


I feel that if I had met Ramie before this book, I would have hated her. She seems to understand that she is whiney, underestimates herself and is self deprecating. She does seem to want to step up to the plate and improve her character and Caleb lets her.

I really don't know why Caleb likes Ramie, other than the fact that she is a martyr and needs some sort of protection. It seems like Caleb needs someone to protect more than he actually likes who Ramie is. He almost instantly seems to want to possess her and without understanding why, the reader is left with an unbelievable love story.

I know I just said that Ramie has improved her character, but I really struggled to like her after she said this shit...
As nice as it sounds that you’ll protect me and take care of me, how long do you think it would take before you realize that you got a shitty deal? And that we are in no way equals in a relationship but rather I’m a codependent leech sucking the life right out of you? You can’t possibly think you’d be happy with a woman like I just described. You’re too strong for that. Your personality is too strong for you to have a much weaker partner. You may as well be a parental figure for all the dependence I’ve demonstrated.”

Like who refers to themselves as a leech out loud???? keep that shitty thought in your diary

Okay, so Ramie isn't the worst, and Caleb isn't the worst, and their love story isn't the worst. But the chemistry is lacking.