A review by misterjay
For the Win by Cory Doctorow


For the Win looks at a near future where games have taken over everything. They're immersive and massive and owned entirely by giant corporations who spend fortunes hunting down gold farmers in third world countries. The gold farmers are kids, usually working in near-slave labor conditions for unscrupulous bosses in sweatshops and factories in the third world. This, then, is the story of what happens when they unionize.

FTW is the second of Cory Doctorow's juveniles, and like with Little Brother before it, Doctorow seems to have found his niche as a story-teller, right there in that intersection between teacher, librarian, yarn-spinner, and social activist. Parts of the novel are pure action and story, parts are educational diversions that, while informing the story, also teach the reader about economic theory and unions. Then there are the parts that seem less like a story and more like a call to action. When the whole is taken together, it adds up to a book that is captivating for adults and a must read for any kids you might know.

Highly recommended, especially to precocious proto-geeks and gamer kids everywhere.