A review by moreadsbooks
Bradstreet Gate by Robin Kirman


I probably should have gone with my gut when, about halfway through, I felt my attention waning & I had to stop myself from putting Ex Machina on again (because good grief that's the best movie I've seen in a long time). I just had no interest in these people. Why was Georgia attracted to Storrow? Why was anyone? Charlie supposedly thought he was so cool that he started wearing gingham shirts & copying his mannerisms & turns of phrase, but all I ever got off of the professor was out-of-touch, physically intimidating racist - with red hair of course - his red hair was mentioned ad nauseam & was basically his only feature besides the ability to say really patronizing, colonialist stuff to his class about Indians. It was unclear to me why any of the characters were friends or the reasoning behind any of their actions. Charlie wanting to be with Georgia, Alice's motivation for the newspaper article she wrote - things happened, characters felt a certain way, but I got no clear reasons why for any of it. It's possible that the reader learns who the killer was, but since I skimmed the last thirty pages of this just so I could get be done with it, I couldn't tell you with any certainty if that happens or not.