A review by kairosdreaming
A Dream of Ebony and White by Melanie Cellier


The 4th book in the Beyond the Four Kingdoms series, A Dream of Ebony and White is the adaptation of the Snow White fairytale. While reading in order is helpful, this one almost acts as a standalone except for a few details and could probably be read as such.

Blanche, or Snow as she likes to be called by her friends, has just lost her father. Her stepmother, mad with power thinks she's in the way and seeks to remove Snow from her life. Trying to escape, Snow has to learn to do more than she thought possible, and to save her kingdom, she has to overcome the ruthless Queen.

Snow has a lot of growth in this book. I think her personality is one of the more realistic ones I've encountered in this series so far, and largely because of the way her past history is presented. That being said, I had a hard time aligning the personalities or motivations of all the other characters in this book (except for maybe the stepmother, cause evil is gonna evil). Alexander, her love interest in this book, I just didn't connect with at all, and his personality fluctuations just didn't really ring as realistic for me.

Like all the other books in the series, this one moves fast. There are plenty of events happening and Snow finds herself in a lot of scuffles that are fun to follow. The writing is appropriate for the young adult level. While I found the ending a bit too rushed and easily wrapped up, the book was still an interesting take on the Snow White tale.

Another fast read in the series. Since I'm this far, I have to continue of course.

Review by M. Reynard 2020