A review by cecesloth
Lungbarrow by Marc Platt


Totally not what I expected (a murder mystery paired with a soap opera?!) and a helluva lot less dark/angsty then you'd expect a VNA to be (with a bunch of happy endings to boot!) It sometimes gets slightly bogged down in the masterplan stuff and I'm not sold on the inclusion of both Ace and Leela.

It's a shame that a bunch of the lore got retconned by Big Finish and the children being born into adult bodies is a tad unfortunate and weird. However, the descriptions of Gallifrey (both ancient and contemporary) are just gorgeous and I don't think we'll ever see it realised this well again.

Is this worth the $1000 AUD being asked for on ebay? No way, but I'll definitely be reading this again in the future, I just hope I can track down an original copy instead of an edited ebook.