A review by zaineylaney
Moorewood Family Rules by HelenKay Dimon


4.5 Stars
Are you a fan of Intrigue and family complexities in a contemporary setting? A fun read to try is:
Con Family - Jillian returns to her family after taking the fall for them and being in prison for 3 years.
Go Straight - The only stipulation to this family of cons? Go straight and they will get some of her mother’s inheritance.
Family Drama - But these people are set in their ways, constantly running grifts as well as scheming on ways to get Jillian out of the picture once again so they can be free.
Bodyguard - So she enlists the help of a bodyguard to protect herself and her assets, because ironically, this stranger may be the only one she can trust.

To begin, I wanted to note that the author also goes by the name Darby Kane in her writings, which may interest those of you who have read her books. One of the main things that drew me to this book was the comparison to Oceans 11 and Knives Out. While it may definitely be closer to Kinives Out, the vibe wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. I have heard this turned a few people off, but after realizing it wasn’t supposed to be going along with a con and solving a mystery per se, I set back and actually enjoyed this book. The characters are mysterious in themselves and very fun, especially because you are never sure of the motives. The way the book ends definitely leaves it open for a sequel and I would actually be very happy to read more!