A review by see_sadie_read
Gypsy Hunted by Andrea Drew

Did not finish book.


DNF 25%

I'm giving up on this one. The idea behind the story is really interesting, but the execution is a mess. It's in desperate need of an edit, not just copy editing but structural editing too. The main characters/romantic pairing were flirting, and connecting on deep levels within moments of meeting. (Too fast for the reader to even follow it, let along connect with it.) The multiple POVs (1st and 3rd) are distracting. I always hate present tense narratives. But mainly it just jumps around and doesn't flow smoothly. For example, three times already something has been said to the detective that has absolutely no connection to the case he's working and he's put it together. For example, a woman from the police department is kidnapped. Several days later he's told that Gypsy was hit by a car and he thanks the person for telling him since he has so little else to go on in his investigation. Nothing in the exchange suggested the two were connected and the person telling him said nothing about the missing woman (no indication that she even knows about it). I'm not going to subject myself to another hundred pages of it, finish annoyed and end up posting a scathing negative review. I'll just concede defeat now.

Note: this was sent to me for an honest review.