A review by bookapotamus
Generation Friends: An Inside Look at the Show That Defined a Television Era by Saul Austerlitz


My first thought when I saw this book was coming out? ‘Oh. My. Gawd.’ And then, “How You Doin’?” Could I BE any more excited? Nope. I don’t think I could. It’s a 'Moo' point. This book, Would Be Perfection. This book, will be my Lobster. We will go together like a Chick and a Duck because it’s not that common, it doesn’t happen to every guy and it IS a big deal!!

You’re going to want to be ‘On a Break’ and summon all your UNAGI when you dive into this one because you will gobble it up like teenage Monica and 5 types of Thanksgiving potatoes and still get the meat sweats. The fun facts and tidbits packed into this fun book will Steal Your Wind - and you’ll want to read it more times than Ross has been married!

Layers upon layers of things I never knew! This book truly goes Commando and lets it all hang out. Layers as juicy as an English Trifle. Things that ‘They Don’t Know, That we Know, They Know we Know', but also insider scoop worthy of a Royal, like Princess Consuela Bananahammock.

You’re going to laugh until Mr. Heckles bangs on your ceiling with a broom to quiet down. You’re going to run like Phoebe, arms flailing - don’t PIVOT! - to get this one. It is no Smelly Cat. Place it on your Apothecary Table so your own friends can enjoy it. Cause on a scale on 1 to 7… this book is a 7,7,7,7……SEVEN!

Huge thanks to Dutton Books for gifting me with this book. It’s 'kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic’! And it’s out today!!

Who’s your favorite friend?! Mine’s Joey! Because like, Joey - Kate doesn’t share food!