A review by catbooking
I Know Who You Are and I Saw What You Did by Lori Andrews


This book felt a lot like a senior project expanded to the size of a book. From the wishy-washy handful of examples to the repeated insistence on a social network constitution.

I am used to these types of books following essentially the same formula: introduction of a problem, examples of the problem, explanation of how those problematic examples would be fixed by the proposed solution. This book had the first two sections pretty well covered, but the solution never really materialized. There was a lot of “we would have to figure out X” as if that is just some minor aspect of the problem and not the core of the problem. And a lot of the examples pointed out how the proposed solution would actually make the situation worse, rather than fix it.

I think if I had read a handful of articles on the topic of internet surveillance and how it can impact the real world, I would have felt less like my time was wasted.