A review by despinareviews
Shattered Sacrifice by Emily Huffman


This short novelette provides a really cool introduction into a world where a young girl, Glisenia, is sacrificed to the Kraken by the cult her family belong to. She awakens after her supposed sacrifice, with a new voice in her head and breath in her lungs ... neither of which she expected.

I really loved the writing style, the main character was compelling and it definitely got me excited for the upcoming trilogy. I felt her pain and honestly wasn't sure where the story would go exactly - this felt like a character introduction, an origin story, and one which I think was incredibly well executed. Very interested in the world-building, of which I think we have seen but a fraction.

It is in third person narration which ordinarily isn't my favourite but I think it was done really well and possibly an exemplar of what third person narration can achieve. Really quick and easy read with dark themes, which I would recommend.

I was provided with an ARC of this novelette in exchange for an honest review, which I provide voluntarily. Many thanks to the author!