A review by manglitter
Meet You By Hachiko by Loren Greene


I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you Booksirens and the publisher.


I can't say how much this story was pleasing to read and the writing style made it even more agreeable to follow . I have to say that I wasn't expecting such a talent of narrating.

Because I'm a fan of Japanese culture and I have penpals I loved the story of Grace and Kana so much. A beautiful story of true friendship not just a thumbs up kind one, I mean it's a real one where you can find solace in just writing to another person who really like and enjoy being someone whom you can share the good and the bad of your daily life.

I felt this book so naive and precious for the relationship between the two girls was the kind one that you had once at some period of your life before adulthood knocks on your door . I mean, I was like these girls and I'm lucky to say that I had and still have these friends. Anyway, I loved that the author knew how to put this on paper in such a cute story.

The story is also about accepting oneself and not being afraid of what the other people might think about us and our tastes. It's my life not yours, it's my body not yours and it's my future not yours to decide which path I must take.

I loved Kana's character and her story's part even if Grace was the starting point of everything that happened. I didn't like many things about Grace's character and I didn't understood why she was so insecure for her social life was good, the only problem was that her parents were no more together and that wasn't new. I don't know why her only friend was Jean and she kept following her and wanting her to like what she wears or her taste when she could have had other friends at school. She befriended a Japanese girl so easily after all.

Anyway, I liked this story and how it was written, I loved the Japanese touch even more. I want to read more from Lauren Greene which is going to be her next book Edokko. Thank you for this enjoyable discovery.