A review by sohare1981
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


This is the second time I’ve read Alpha by Jasinda Wilder. I remember really loving the book the first time around but well it’s hard for me to say this with all honesty. The main love interest Roth, really irritated me. He seemed overly cocky/arrogant…and it really annoyed the heck out of me this time around. He says how much he loves Kyrie, but then in the same breath reminds her that he owns her. He tells her Steven was basically a sadist and abused women and he, Roth, didn’t want a BDSM relationship, yet he ties her hands at one point, and then several times smacks her butt (a lot) and makes her beg him for sex. He says he wont force her to do anything, then in one scene they’re at a traffic light and he forces her to take off her underwear and makes her come while some stranger in a van next to them watches, when she clearly told him she did not want that. (He ignored her and kept going).

He tells her he is in love with her, but again in the same breath tells her he owns her. He says she can leave whenever she wants but holds the fact, she will be basically destitute, her mother would no longer get the care she really needs, her brother wouldn’t be able to afford college any ore…and she would probably end up stripping or going into prostitution and he would demand that she repay him, the money she’d never be able to make in her lifetime. But yes, she could leave whenever she wanted. The first time I read this, I wasn’t familiar with any of Jasinda’s work and I thought the sex scenes were hot…but now I’ve read all of the Big Girls Do it series, and am half way through the black room series, and read Stripped and well the sex seems to be very clinical after all those other books. Though I still like this book a lot more than I did fifty shades of grey, and I think it delivered what I wanted fifty shades to give me (but failed).

But I don’t know about four stars…Roth was very, very annoying to me. I wish you could give half stars…I’d be happy with 3 and half. Since I can’t, I think I’ll go ahead and give it four.