A review by abinthebooks
The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James



I’ve been wanting to read Simone St. James for such a long time, but I really wanted to start with her older stuff and work my way through her works via publication order. However, I’ve heard many mixed things about The Haunting of Maddy Clare, and her other earlier stories. And while I do hold some criticisms towards this book, I thought it was really well done.

For this being St. James’s debut, the writing was so atmospheric, creepy, and a touch of gothic. I’m definitely excited to see how she’s improved since this release. I also thought the plot, while not the most original ever, was very well written. I think it had marginally to do with the era the author chose to write this in—a very dry era for historical fiction books—after the First World War, and a little before the Second World War. This author really uses this era to her advantage when writing, and it really added that extra depth and complexity to her story and her characters. The narrative style in this was also very interesting, and one you just don’t see a lot anymore. It almost felt like we were reading the journal of our FMC, Sarah. Past tense storytelling is so much fun, and I thought it was incredibly well done.

Despite what I did enjoy, I didn’t think this was anywhere near perfect. Our main character, Sarah, was a bit annoying at times because she was such a damsel in distress. And if I was Sarah, I’d absolutely be a scaredy cat too, especially if a ghost was haunting me, but it still was a little annoying. I also think the romance could have been a little more fleshed out (that was one of the aspects I was most excited for, and it kinda fell flat). The mystery was also pretty mediocre, mainly because my suspicions for the perpetrators were entirely correct about half way through the book.

But, setting aside my complaints once again, for a debut novel, I thought this was very well written. I’m very excited to read more from Simone St. James. Her prose is beautiful, and this story really was a very fun reading experience (with some definite sad bits inside). This is one of those books I’d recommend pretty widely to people. If you like historical fiction and you want to get into horror/mysteries? Read this. If you like romance and want to get into historical fiction? Read this. If you like a horror mystery and want to try a side of romance? Read this? And so on. However, if you do go into this book and you get triggered easily, PLEASE LOOK UP TRIGGER WARNINGS!!!

3.75 stars