A review by piper_sh
Peter and Alice by John Logan


Magnificent and tragic! I just wish I could have seen the play. I keep re-watching the trailer for the play on Youtube and I feel so heart broken that nobody bothered to film this.
Reading this play was incredible and I would really like to know how much of Peter´s and Alice´s personality was based on reality and how much was speculation and creative freedom.
I don´t want to say too much as not to spoil the experience. The language is beautiful and there is so much wisdom hidden in this very short book but I think what stood out to me the most was: "I think I know what childhood´s for. It´s to give us a bank of happy memories against future suffering" I also think that this quote pretty much sums up the substance of this play.
A modern Masterpiece! And now I have to go and watch the trailer again...