A review by umcrystal
The Cleveland Heights LGBTQ Sci-Fi and Fantasy Role Playing Club by Doug Henderson


Yes, yes, everything yes! Full disclosure I was immediately giddy when I saw the cover and title of this book. Lucky for me the story didn't let me down! Ben is going through a bit of a rough patch in life. At 25 he's still living at home in his parents' basement. His history degree hasn't exactly paved an easy path in his life and after being laid off from the library (his dream job), Ben has started selling nostalgic toys and other items online to make his money. On top of it all, the guy from the record shop has just told him he doesn't see him as anything more than a friend... but not really even that. The one thing that has kept Ben going is his weekly roleplaying game.

Much of this story takes place inside a fantasy world. Whether that's the actual fantasy game playing out on the page or the fantasies that Ben dreams up about this perfect life. I so badly wanted to reach out and give Ben a hug and a good pep talk. I really enjoyed the variety of characters we see in both the comic shop and around the gaming table. Specifically, I loved the growth of Mooneyham throughout the book, the kiss-in, and finally being able to be himself at work, even if it comes at the expense of losing those you thought were friends.

I wish there was more explanation of the vampires, I would love a second book that tells me just what the heck is going on with Varnec, Polly, and plays out just a bit more of the relationships between the guys. Overall this was just such an amazingly fun and engaging book. Once I started I didn't want to put it down.

5/5 Stars!

Thank you to NetGalley, University Of Iowa Press, and Doug Henderson for providing me with an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.