A review by pdz
Aquaman, Volume 2: The Others by Geoff Johns


This volume of Aquaman includes a whole slew of heroes I'd never heard of. Most of my familiarity with Aquaman came from the previous volume, so I have no idea if these are long-standing 2nd tier DC heroes or if they're just brand new constructions.
What this volume does really well - the art is great. The story is a notch above regular tights and capes stories, but not much beyond that. I think they could've cut down on the number of heroes and focused on one. Although on the surface he seems like the most ridiculous, my favorite of the bunch was The Prisoner. If i'm becoming a complete arm-chair critic, then I'd say they could have made his wrist-and-chain thingies not gold, and just regular looking tarnished metal.
A good smash and bash comic, with some plot problems. I wish they would've included more of what they did in the first comic with Arthur being sort of considered a joke by the public. That added an interesting dynamic. Despite its problems, worth reading.