A review by j1nxc
Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco


🜸 okay wtf. i loved the first two books but this flopped so hard in some parts. the storyline was interesting as always and kept me on my toes not knowing what to expect the whole time. claudia being pride's wife and domenico and marcella being half-siblings??????? like. what. my jaw DROPPED at the end finding out what greed did. least favorite brother fr. but besides from the amazing plot twists, it just wasn't a great story. wrath managed to turn every conversation where he didn't want to admit something into sex and emilia just let him. have some self respect girl. AND THEN HE GETS HIS WINGS BACK AND THERE'S LIKE MAGICAL FEATHERS THAT MAKE GOOD SEXY TIME??????? who the fuck approved that. that's weird as hell. not to mention the smut was just weird as well, i can't get over the cringe ass writing and weird phrasing. just say he's fingering you and not "slipping a finger into your essence." 😐😐😐 and vittoria spent this whole book taking on this bad guy role just to switch up at the end and be best friends with emilia again as if she didn't literally murder people and encourage emilia to leave wrath. it's so bonkers. i really had high hopes for this book and it just wasn't great.