A review by fionali
Civil War II by


GDI Carol why do you always have to be on the wrong side.

Like I thought she'd stand down halfway through this event but nope nothing got through to her.

If they were gonna make merchandise of this event, they should so do a Captain Marvel doll where you pull the string and she yells "YOU'RE UNDER ARREST". Really, was there anyone she didn't try to preemptively jail?

*Informercial voice* If you thought Civil War was bad, wait till you read this!

The teams don't even make sense. Besides Iron Man and Captain Marvel whose perspectives were explored and fleshed out, no one really had any reason why they picked either side. With the X-Men especially (cos I don't follow the other teams), they just chucked an entire team on each side rather than exploring why each individual would support the ideology. At least the first Civil War tackled an issue that hit home for everyone and so the side they backed made sense to them and the reader.