A review by slimcakeyreads
Pirate Nemesis by Carysa Locke


Fun book! I like a main female character that isn’t an idiot or a wilting wall flower. All of the other characters were also interesting, each in their own way, without distracting from the story. I also like a romance that’s treated like two adults entering into something voluntarily and realistically.

The pace was good, it didn’t lag or get boring.

I’ll admit that when I saw “telepathic space pirates” I assumed I was getting into a cheesy, bodice ripping, embarrassing to be caught reading romance novel....WRONG. I started reading it so I could laugh and make fun of it with my friends and maybe a snide review or two....also WRONG.

I’m impressed and plan to read more from this pair of authors. I’m not going to jump right into the next one, though, because I found I really like the characters and I don’t want to see anything bad happen to them. I know, it’s stupid.