A review by hannahmaybookreviews
Dead Meat: Day 1 by Nick Clausen



It is day one of the end of the world. It starts with three teenagers being trapped in a hot and stuffy basement, whilst the lady who used to own the house is dead, outside their door and trying to get in, scraping and moaning and showing no sign of relent. Just a few hours ago they were listening to music, in Thomas’ car with no care in the world other than feeling hot and sweaty. As they delivered their last paper to the old lady’s house, they didn’t know their lives would turn to chaos and the end of the world was about to begin.

Before receiving this copy, I had not read an apocalyptic book before so I was unsure as to whether I would connect with this book or not, however I was looking forward to exploring something new.
I really liked the author’s idea to split his books up into each day, so you can really see how much can actually happen in one single day and how things can change drastically over a few hours.

The book jumped straight into the action and was past faced throughout with drama right up until the last page which makes it perfect for reads who are action addicts. Personally, I like to have a bigger build up however as the story will be split into days, I understand that a big build up will not work for this storyline, therefore I was not put off the book. The chapters were short and snappy and were well suited to the pace of the book.

I was unable to connect with the characters as I like to know character backgrounds but for this read it was actually better that I didn’t as you don’t want to get too attached to anyone during a zombie apocalypse. I also couldn’t believe the characters stupidity at times, but I realised this plays a huge part with the story.

When reading I did find the story a little unbelievable but again this worked with the storyline and I am intrigued to see how the story pans out over the days ahead!