A review by readinggrrl
The Secrets of Love Story Bridge by Phaedra Patrick


I have loved Phaedra Patrick books since I picked my first one up a few years ago. This beautiful love story really tasks you with remembering to enjoy life and not get so caught up in schedules and have to's. It is also a tribute to letter writing which is becoming a lost art, especially in the time of email and e-cards. How many people take the time to send a card, note or something hand written instead of a quick facebook post or e-card? I remember writing letters to my mother from camp, nowadays many sleep away camps use email for kids to communicate with their parents, its sad and impersonal.

Mitchell is stuck in a rut, his girl friend has died and now he is raising their young daughter alone. He has moved to the city to be closer to work but his life is lacking passion. It revolves around schedules and plans. His current job is cutting the locks off of the bridges so the weight of them don't collapse the bridge, when he sees a young woman attach a lock and then fall into the water below. Not thinking he jumps in after to save her and this one "leap of faith" changes his life. He discovers she has been missing for almost a year and her sisters and mother have been missing her terribly. With the aid of his daughter, and a nosey reporter who wrote an article on his heroism his life is changed. He starts feeling again, remembering what it is like to live instead of exist. The reporter encourages people to write to him about their story with the bridges and he finds himself swarmed with letters telling moving stories about their lives and loves.

Beautifully written as usual this story reminds us all to not be so serious, to play, look up at the stars, and feel. Maybe this time of quarantine is our bridge, how are you going to change your life?