A review by sirah
The Time of Green Magic by Hilary McKay


It was like they were in a book, Abi thought. The Time of Green Magic is very much the sort of thing one might expect to happen if books could come to life in one's home. Unlike many children's fantasy, the events, though distinctly magical, are believable and just remarkable enough to be a bit frightening. In this novel, magic is not a tame thing that exists to establish a 7-year-old's childish fantasies, but a force of its own that simply is. Aside from the Green Magic of the title, there is also the magic of first love, the magic of learning to share, the magic of an apology, the magic of learning to trust, and the magic of letting go. Each of the three children finds a way to be just a bit more courageous, trustworthy, confident and grown up throughout the story.
As and adult, I found it a real page-turner that immersed me in a world almost as magical as the house itself, if a little less tangible. I would love to see my students read and enjoy it, and will encourage those between 10-13 to pick it up.