A review by abbyk89
Bitter Falls by Rachel Caine


Other than the first one, I think book 4 was my favorite so far. It’s definitely the most action packed. As with books 2 & 3, I love how it’s told from multiple perspectives. And I really appreciate the fact that they used the same narrators for the same characters in each book, it really helps me connect with the characters. This one dealt with a cult related storyline, which I found very interesting. The only thing I think could have been done better was the ending. I felt like they didn’t need to wrap the whole book up that quickly. Instead of finishing the ending in the last few paragraphs of the last chapter, they definitely could have stretched it out into a full chapter if not multiple chapter. I would have like to have known what happened to some of the secondary characters. But other than that, this one was one of my favorite of the series. Only 2 books left, and I’m already getting sad about it