A review by thriller_buffet
Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner


1.5/5 to be precise!
The book starts off with Daphne a plus-sized young lady who had struggled all her life with her weight and how she lost contact with her BF Drue in high school. Part one was full of throwbacks which felt confusing and boring.
I thought the book's main message was fat shaming and self image issues among young women (who in this book were stuck mostly in their adolescence and didn't seem to mature enough!).
Suddenly it take a whole different direction when her childhood friend gets murdered. And how the social media influencer got determined to solve the case.
My issues with the murder is that it was very superficial and all the people involved (including Daphne) where superficial empty headed mostly social media influencers who I really didn't care for or feel quite empathetic with.
Besides what happened to the murderer of Nick's mom??? I thought Mr. Cavaneugh was the one who did it and somewhat the murder of his daughter was a way to get back at him or at least connected in a twisted way to Drue's murder.
To me the novel felt disconnected like two different books in one and the twists were not twists at all. It was obvious that Nick was Drue's half brother (surprise surprise!!)