A review by jacqui_des
Day by Elie Wiesel


Memorable Quotes
"The heat stuck to your skin, like a curse."

"Sailors keep their eyes for the sea: when they are on land, they leave their eyes behind as tokens of love."

"We were always the center of her universe. For her, other mortals lived only to be used as comparisons."

"If man could contemplate the face of God, he would stop loving him. God needs love; he does not need understanding."

"I had not been able to understand for a long time what in the world God had done to deserve man."

“The young today don’t believe that someday they’ll be old; they are convinced they’ll die young. Old men are the real youngsters of our generation. They at least can brag about having had what we do not have: a slice of life called youth.”

“That’s the way it is: shame tortures not the executioners but their victims. The greatest shame is to have been chosen by destiny. Man prefers to blame himself for all possible sins and crimes rather than come to the conclusion that God is capable of the most flagrant injustice. I still blush every time I think of the way God makes fun of human beings, his favourite toys.”

“I don’t know the name of the first man who openly cried out his hatred to me, nor who he was. He represented all the nameless and faceless people who live in the universe of dead souls.”

“I told her the story of my grandmother, then the story of my little sister, and of my father, and of my mother; in very simple words, I described to her how man can become a grave for the unburied dead.”

“Those who, like me, have left their souls in hell, are here only to frighten others by being their mirrors.”