A review by leeannmarie
Cook Food: A Manualfesto for Easy, Healthy, Local Eating by Lisa Jervis


A review at Pandagon got me curious/excited about this book, so I ordered a copy for a friend who is looking to learn to cook. It finally arrived yesterday and I've been enjoying looking through it before passing it on to her (and I will undoubtedly be copying down a few recipes, too). There is much to like about this book: it's very small, approachable, and affordable, and it does an excellent job of simplifying the often-intimidating topics of food politics & nutrition. In a brief introduction, Jervis explains her commitment to eating an unprocessed "veganesque" diet. There is a great section on kitchen equipment and pantry stocking, which would probably be particularly helpful to a new cook, and finally the rest of the book is devoted to recipes and ideas for easy, healthy eating. Jervis constantly encourages the reader to improvise, experiment, and substitute seasonal ingredients. And she uses gender-neutral pronouns! What's not to love? I think this is the book I'll turn to from here on out when friends ask me for advice on home cooking and healthy eating.