A review by tiffiny
An Assassin's Death by Harper Wylde, A.K. Koonce


I'm continuing the series only because there is potential here, but to be honest there is a huge plot hole in this book that I just couldn't forgive. Spoilers ahead:

Shortly after meeting the guys, the FMC wants to try to get some info to bring to them in order to gain their trust. This has her using her ability to look at a ledger in the Big Bads office. In it states why the guys are her marks but it also says that she is to be killed after shit completes the hunt in order to tie up loose ends. This would have been fine....except she's apparently a weapon for someone of a higher power. The 2 Big Bads want her power to transfer to another person. Supposedly someone is easier to manipulate. Except our FMC -was- easy to manipulate until she met the guys and why would she be killed after completing her hunt if they still needed her for her powers? So getting the info from the ledger was not only useless (she didn't even use the info for the guys) but also not in line with the overall story.

It seems to me that the two authors who worked on this book didn't really communicate the finer points to the story at all. There's a lot of other things that really run the star rating down for this book too. Mostly as we get no information as to -why- the FMC chooses to try to be with the guys and for someone 'so smart' she really likes to stop and think at the worst of times.

I'm really not sure about this series.