A review by waterlilydragon
Influential by Amara Sage


dystopian reality, small romance, mental health, self harm, therapy, blackmailing, sexual violence and exploitation, found family, veeeery small spice but mention worthy,
I really loved this book.
To be honest when I started reading it I I was a bit bummed by the rather boring? writing style, at least that's what I thought, but the writing style isn't boring at all it's just different to what im used to reading but it honestly really grew to me, it was sarcastic, funny, trauma bonding without me actually having that trauma but it felt like I was almond. The author did a really good job at making the reader feel immersed and like the actual main character, at least that's what I thought.
And the overall plots and storyline was really great, it was interesting and wild yet still realistic and I appreciated that a lot.
The writing was so cruel sometimes, like not the writing itself but the content, it was amazing how much I wanted to throw up every time it was about anarchy or the callie fight, like genuinely as if it was happening to me.
And the ending made me very happy, especially with Immy and how they were still there fo her after all she's done.