A review by trackofwords
The Death and Life of Schneider Wrack, Volume 1 by Nate Crowley


A dark and ferociously imaginative story of revolutionary zombies, interlinked worlds and psychically-possessed marine life, this is part science fiction, part horror, part black comedy and entirely bonkers. Schneider Wrack wakes to a scene of absolute terror, finding he’s not only dead – with no idea why – but a zombie, one of thousands enslaved upon the gargantuan ocean trawler Navuto. With only vague memories of his life beforehand – as a quiet, hapless librarian – and a burning sense of injustice, he stumbles his way towards becoming the figurehead for a bizarre uprising against the Navuto’s brutish overseers, setting himself upon a path he couldn’t possibly have foreseen.

There’s no doubt about it, this is absolutely bonkers – but utterly brilliant. At times the narrative rambles a touch, it sometimes requires a little patience and faith in Crowley that things will make sense, and it’ll test your knowledge of obscure (to most of us) marine life, but in the end it’s massively rewarding and just so much fun!

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2019/11/27/the-death-and-life-of-schneider-wrack-nate-crowley/