A review by andypeloquinauthor
The Fun House Mystery Adventure by R.D. Trimble


If you want sweet, simple, and fun for smaller children, this is a fun read. It takes the main characters on an adventure into some pretty crazy and strange places, and you'll find your children (aged 6 to 10 or 12) will enjoy it.
It was definitely written for a younger audience, so the language is simple. That being said, there were still a few things about it that could stand improvement. There are a lot of passive sentences ("he was doing" instead of "he did"), a bit too much "telling" and foreshadowing ("little did he know what was happening next"), and a few punctuation mistakes. Even though the author was writing to a younger crowd, these are mistakes that would make it better.
It's a fun book, and with the revisions made, it would be one I'd recommend for my younger kids.