A review by thebookpear
The Drowning Woman by Robyn Harding



The Drowning Woman was one of my favorite thrillers of 2023! Lee is a restaurant owner who has fallen on hard times and has to live in her car. One morning on the beach she hears someone sobbing and finds Hazel, a well-off housewife who is trying to escape a bad marriage. Lee and Hazel form a friendship born of desperation and Hazel makes a shocking request: she wants Lee to help her disappear.  
There was so much about this book that worked for me. I loved that it was told through Lee and Hazel’s alternating POVs and organized into “parts”. Each woman’s part consists of a handful of short chapters that end in cliffhangers that build up the suspense gradually to a fever pitch. By the last 75% of the book, I was anxiously flipping pages to figure out what was going on. It was not at all predictable for me, I was shocked at every twist and turn!

My Ratings:
Plot ★★★★
Characters ★★★★★
Writing Style ★★★★★
Reading Experience ★★★★★

Overall ★★★★.75

More Books by Robyn Harding:
The Party
The Perfect Family
The Arrangement
The Perfect Family

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