A review by booksandtea2718
The Infinite Miles by Hannah Fergesen


This book takes place in an alternate universe. Some things are the same, some are different. The author wants the reader to be able to see ourselves in this world…and oh boy, it was fun to do so.

This book is very clearly inspired by Doctor Who. Miles is the Doctor, Peggy the companion, and Peggy’s best friend Harper is the person left behind. The TARDIS? That is a 1972 Dodge Charger called Argo.

And … and … in this reality Harper and Peggy grew up watching a tv show about Argo and the Argonaut, somehow based on Miles life and travels through space and time. He doesn’t have a clue which of his companions gave him up to a tv producer, but someone did. Imagine being Peggy…you find out that your all time favorite tv character is real and invites you along for adventures. So cool.

Then … Peggy goes missing. Harper is waiting around for her ever since they had a huge falling out three years earlier, until Peggy comes back. But … Peggy isn’t Peggy anymore. Miles “saves” Harper but … what if he was burnt out, tired of losing companions, and ditches Harper in the 1970s after her best friend’s body was taken over by an alien parasite? What should Harper do?

I really enjoyed this. Now, you have to take this book for what it is. Don’t go into it hoping for something that will blow the genre wide open. If you are a fan of doctor who and want to read something that is fan fictiony but also has a tone and feeling of it’s own, please go for it! I lied earlier, Miles is NOT the doctor, the Argo is NOT the TARDIS, but they were clearly inspired by them. There is a strong overarching story, a hero you can and will root for (Harper), and the Argo is amazing. I will admit, I really didn’t like Peggy, but that is okay. I do wish she deserved Harper’s love and loyalty though.

Enough from me. If you want to read the book after reading this review? Go get it as soon as you are able. Strong four star rating.

Bonus points: the books title is super cute and punny. Love it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for an arc of this book.