A review by heathersnerdyworld
Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories by Stephanie Perkins


1. Head, Scale, Tongues, Tail...4/5 Fantastical Summer Vibes

2. The End of Love... 3/5. I honestly forgot I read this story two days later. Not really memorable, but I enjoyed it in the moment.

3 . Last Stand at the Cinegore... 3/5. Interesting concept and great creepy read. Not sure what it really has to do with summer... getting more Halloween vibes than anything.

4. Sick Pleasure ... 2/5. This story is way too much of a downer for an anthology of Summer stories. Annoyed that character names were simply letters. I'm looking for fun lighthearted summer reads with this anthology of Summer stories....

5. In Ninety Minutes, Turn North... 4.5/5. Finally a nice fluffy summer read. Adorable story, and I would really enjoy a follow up short story of these two.

6. Souvenirs 4/5 - summer vibes, liked the style of humour

7. Inertia 4/5 - interesting concept, heartbreaking yet satisfying and enjoyable tale of 2 friends

8. Love is the Last Resort 5/5 - fun story all about relationships. Interesting pov & quirky charcters make this one of my favourite stories in this collection.

9. Goodluck and Farewell - 5/5 A short story with a lot of punch. Fleshed out backstories for characters with some serious topics, a diverse cast of characters that feels natural, all while being a great fun and romantic summer read.

19. Brand New Attraction - 3.5/5 I can't place why I wasn't a fan of this story, I think it may have been some expectations I set when I saw it was by Cassandra Clare. The tone was reminiscent of Clare's old writing, quicked paced and entertaining but leaving more to be desired. I was hoping for a new concept from Clare too, unforunately she gave us more demons.... was hoping to read something more contemporary from her. We all know she can do fantasy well, and I was hoping Clare would use this as an opportunity to try something new.

11. A Thousand Ways This Could Go Wrong - 5/5 This is definitely in the running for my favourite story in this collection. Diversity and an adorable romance set in a perfect summer back drop. More please! Thanks :)

12. The Map of Tiny Perfect Things - 4/5 Think Paper Towns with Groundhog Day (the movie).