A review by thecrematedwizard
The Farseekers by Isobelle Carmody


So this is the second of a seven book series, and i'm LOVING them so far. From where Obernewtyn left off, there were so many paths that Carmody could've taken in terms of storylines, and the plot of this book was not like anything I expected. And it was awesome. So many new characters were introduced that I already love - Kella, Jik, Darga, Dragon and Brydda - and towards the middle of the book I felt as if they'd been there since Elspeth's first journey at Obernewtyn. The mystery of Henry Druid was finally uncovered, and let's just say there were some...inTerEsTinG scenes at his encampment. One of my favourite things in this book was definitely the character development - Domick and Kella growing closer over the course of the quest, and that horse Ghaltha who is a savage legend™, also ended up coming around and being Elspeth's personal bodyguard of all things. On every single page there was always something happening - and it got to the point where I became addicted and I would be reading it into all hours of the night. The only thing I would change is the fact that Elspeth and Rushton barely got to spend any time together :( Elshton is one of my fave fiction couples ever and definitely one of my OTP's. Overall, amazing book - I nEEd to read the next one NOW.