A review by theonionboy
Countdown to Zero Day: Stuxnet and the Launch of the World's First Digital Weapon by Kim Zetter


I read this because I wanted a technical explanation of what this virus did, how and why. I wanted to know if they really knew who made it. I got all that and a lot more. I became frustrated when the book spent so much time on Iranian politics, but later in the book I understood why it was necessary to explain that so thoroughly.

My only criticism of this book is that it was very, very detailed. It could be billed as "everything there is to know about Stuxnet." The author really did her homework, and wrote a very detailed, well documented account. I just suspect that it was a lot more detail than most people wanted.

The footnotes became frustrating. There were about 40-50 per chapter. I wanted to read them all, because sometimes they added interesting details to the story. But many times they were just citations. I settled for skimming through them after each chapter.

I don't mean to complain, only to point out my thoughts while reading this. As I said, the book delivered all I expected, was well written, well documented, and well researched. I just want to make potential readers aware of the level of detail you are going to get with this book.