A review by bookertsfarm
The Devil's Equinox by John Everson


So have you ever secretly wished for something horrible. If so, read this book and never do it again. If not, don't. "The Devil's Equinox" is a fast-paced, blood and sex filled novel not for the weak at heart. Austin makes a horrible wish which eventually comes true. And things kind of go downhill from there if you can imagine.

I went into this novel not knowing a lot about it. Sometimes it's fun to go into things blindly. This was a quick read and I did like getting to know Austin, but don't mistake that for liking him. I really didn't care much for any of the characters in this novel but I didn't find that necessary to enjoy it. I do think Regina was quite intriguing and rather scary - I don't think I would befriend her in a bar.

I kept turning the pages to find out what happens next and before I knew it, the book was finished. I would kind of compare it to a B-horror movie which is okay, because sometimes you just want to immerse yourself in something that isn't reality-based. If you like that kind of book, then Iverson is definitely an author you want to check out.