A review by theladyinreds
The Wicked Confessions Of Lady Cecelia Stanton by Viveka Portman


**Arc provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

This story is a short erotic historical in which Lady Cecelia Stanton chronicles her erotic adventures.

Unfortunately, I like plot that makes sense, characters I'm interested in, and sex that's erotic in my erotic fiction and I didn't feel like I got that here.

The whole thing was pretty bare bones and felt more like an outline for a story rather than a complete story in itself. I thought the husband was an extreme douche. I also thought the language was silly ("You shall become used to my manner, I hope, and if I do say your rump looks ripe for a rogering…"). There's cheating galore. And the lesbian sex scenes were perfunctory as hell.

This did not work for me.